Nestled amidst the Heritage Park grounds are a number of heritage and environment focused Clubs.
The Heritage Park Clubs open their doors to the public on Event Days providing that living history component. For further information please contact the Club directly.
Being a coastal city we are often subject to cloud and variable weather, so we built the planetarium which creates a perfect dark sky any time of day and in all weather. We are regularly entertaining and educating groups of visitors from our local community, schools and tourists and we just love sharing the beauty and understand of the southern night sky.
The astronomical society also holds monthly Space Club’s where members hear from guest speakers and club members on a topic of interest, and the observatory hosts a number of high quality telescopes for public and research use. The society is run on a volunteer basis and strives to bring relevant astronomical knowledge to the community.
We hold public viewing every Saturday evening from March to November, please check the website for booking dates and costs. Groups and special viewing sessions are available by request.
Contact Peter Felhofer
Phone 09 438 9644
Our members have all worked with the land for many years and we want to share our knowledge. In about 1984 we planted out pine trees on the Museum grounds and we regularly maintain them, the profit from these pines will be shared with the Museum.
Contact Peter Davis-Colley
Phone 09 433 1718
Our club members enjoy regular runs around Northland and the rest of the country; we have a spare parts shop and a library for members' use. Our club owns several vintage vehicles which we display on Wednesdays and special open days
Contact Lawrence Hillier
Phone 09 4346457
We are home to a selection of ex-military communication equipment, including the Army, Navy and Airforce. Also on display are early models of homebuilt amateur radio equipment. We have regular evenings at our club station where we communicate with other amateur enthusiasts from around the world, and sometimes in space!
Contact Ian Wright (President) or Allan Walker (Club Secretary)
Phone 09 435 1413
This incredible collection of medical instruments and equipment goes on display to the public in its new home for the very first time. NZ's premiere Medical Museum is a unique and fascinating journey through our medical and technological history. Kiwi North, 500 SH 14 Maunu, Whangarei - Gate 2
Contact John Swinney
Phone 021 496699
Who hasn’t picked up a rock and wondered what it is, where it came from, if it’s special? The Whangārei Rock and Gemstone Club is where you can find those answers and unlock the stories of the ground you walk on. Their clubrooms on the Heritage Park include a gallery and shop for the public and a workspace for lapidary techniques, like cutting, grinding and polishing. Members meet monthly and the club hosts a two-day Rock and Mineral Show each year.
Contact Shirley Gates
Phone 09 434 6501
Website Whangarei Rock and Gemstone Club
Our club is a group of enthusiastic people dedicated to collecting and restoring stationary engines. These special engines were used before electricity became mainstream. Farmers relied on stationary engines for milking, shearing, driving generators. We have two 10 tonne, almost 100hp engines, and many smaller stationary engines working and on display every Wednesday, on special open days and by appointment. In total there are 240 restored engines on display.
Contact John Eynon
Phone 027 4141813
The pride of our club is Seymour, the Peckett steam locomotive gifted to us by Wilsons (NZ) Portland Cement works in 1977. This steam loco has recently undergone full restoration works. We are also home to a model railway and have an enthusiastic group of members who enjoy showing it off to the public on special open days.
Contact Bill Fenton
Phone 0275566856
The Northland Vintage Machinery Club was formed in 1991 by a group of contractors and machinery operators who were interested in preserving Northland’s history and the part machinery played both in agriculture and infrastructure development.
The club has in excess of 100 tractors, machines and small items which form the display. Several display items are over 100 years old.
We are open weekly on a Wednesday, the 3rd Sunday of every month and Kiwi North event days. Visitors and new members are very welcome. If you want to visit at another time, join the club or have an enquiry please phone
021 957886 or 021 2562610
Dick Thorburn 021957886
Train Rides are are available 10am until 2pm on the 3rd Sunday of each month (weather permitting)
also on Auckland Anniversary Weekend and Museum Live Days (weather permitting)
Plus Wednesdays of the school holidays.
Contact the club:
Phone: 027 337 8543 (Running days only)